Monday, December 27, 2010

Welcome Baby Bentham!

Jude Liam Bentham was born at 3:30 am on Christmas morning.  Here's the Coles' notes on how it all went down, with a pic of Chels with babe, and one of me right out of the tub!

Chels and I planned on having Christmas at her aunt and uncles in Cloverdale, 45 minutes outside of Vancouver.  Although we planned on staying the night, Chels started having some contractions around 8 pm.  We decided to come home for the night just in case.  At 10 pm the contractions were 10 minutes apart and not that painful.  By 1 am they were 4 minutes apart, lasted for over 2 minutes, and felt like grim death.  It was go-time. 

We met our Doctor (Kiran Nayar - she's amazing btw) at the hospital at 1:30 am and Chels was 3-4 cm dilated.  She hopped in the tub in the birthing suite which made her considerably more comfortable.  When they checked her cervix at 3:15 she was fully dilated.  She hopped back in the tub (I joined her this time) and after 14 minutes of pushing and screaming like she was lifting a bus off of a bunch of school children, out came our little man!  All 7 lbs 11 oz of him.

What a champ she was to blast him out in 2 hours!  Many thanks to the people of South Community Birth Program, and the people at BC Women's Hospital... especially to the kid who came in and played Christmas carols on his trumpet on Christmas morning!  We're thankful for all your support and care.  

Jude means (and I paraphrase) give praise and thanks to the Lord.  What a fitting name for a Christmas baby born in such a way - one that succinctly, in one syllable articulates exactly how we feel as parents.  

As for Jude, What can I tell you about him?  Well, thus far not much.  He likes boobs and sleeping.  That and he can't wait to meet you.

Chels - you're my hero,


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Had it happened this year...

This is how it may have unfolded.  Not really a medical topic, except maybe that it involves childbirth..  I just thought it was fun to watch.



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why I love December 21st.

Today is December 21st, literally the darkest day of the year.  In Vancouver, BC where I live, sunrise was at 8:05, and sunset is scheduled for 4:16.  This gives us a dreary 8 hours and 11 minutes of "sunlight".  This can leave many people feeling SAD, the apt acronym for seasonal affective disorder.  If this applies to you, then in times like these, you can use a boost, so I'll make three suggestions for you.

1.  Google image search the term "light therapy" and try to keep a straight face.  I particularly like the visor that beams lasers directly into your eyes.

2.  Consider investing in a light box.  Daylight stimulates your brain to release stimulating neurotransmitters, while darkness sedating ones.  Boosting the amount of time you're exposed to light can help give you that edge.  One trial showed that it was as effective as prozac for treating seasonal depression.  For specifics, consult with a health provider who has some knowledge in this area.

3.  The reason I love December 21st, is that from now until June, it's only going to get better!  We gain about a minute or so of daylight each day until the summer solstice.

If you want to nerd out on the science of light therapy, click here.

Warm Regards,


Sunday, December 19, 2010

How can I get my baby to stop crying?

As I await the arrival of baby #1, I've been inundated with "advice" from friends and family.  Here's a link I was sent that features Dr. Harvey Karp - a pediatrician who claims to have some expertise in the area of calming colicky babies.  The basic gist is to help your baby feel like she did back in her happier days, ie in the womb.  It also showcases some inspiring hairstyles.

To anyone who has experience, any thoughts?