Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why I love December 21st.

Today is December 21st, literally the darkest day of the year.  In Vancouver, BC where I live, sunrise was at 8:05, and sunset is scheduled for 4:16.  This gives us a dreary 8 hours and 11 minutes of "sunlight".  This can leave many people feeling SAD, the apt acronym for seasonal affective disorder.  If this applies to you, then in times like these, you can use a boost, so I'll make three suggestions for you.

1.  Google image search the term "light therapy" and try to keep a straight face.  I particularly like the visor that beams lasers directly into your eyes.

2.  Consider investing in a light box.  Daylight stimulates your brain to release stimulating neurotransmitters, while darkness sedating ones.  Boosting the amount of time you're exposed to light can help give you that edge.  One trial showed that it was as effective as prozac for treating seasonal depression.  For specifics, consult with a health provider who has some knowledge in this area.

3.  The reason I love December 21st, is that from now until June, it's only going to get better!  We gain about a minute or so of daylight each day until the summer solstice.

If you want to nerd out on the science of light therapy, click here.

Warm Regards,


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