Thursday, January 6, 2011

Starting The Year Right - Friends

As we round out our journey through various meaningful relationships, the time has come to consider our social lives.  We've talked about the family you're born into, now we turn our attention to friends - the family you choose.  C.S. Lewis wrote "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."  People can get by without them, but life certainly is richer in the company of people you enjoy.  They're also cheaper than therapists.

If this is your the first gander at AskDrBentham, we've been on a quest since January 1st to identify what we value most in our lives.  Our goal for 2011 is to ensure our energy is spent primarily on the things that are important to us.  Answer the following questions, and feel free to check the previous posts to catch up.

1.  How important is friendship/social life?  (0 - not imporant, 1 - moderately so, 2 - very)
2.  How satisfied are you with your friendships and social life?  0 - not satisfied, 1 - moderately so, 2 - very)
3.  If you scored a 1 or 2 in the importance question, what are some intentions for how you want to move forward in this area?  Here are some questions to help you get rolling.  What kind of friend do I want to be?  What does it mean to be a good friend?  How do I behave toward my best friend?  Why is friendship important to me?
4.  What are some obstacles to realizing these intentions?

Until tomorrow,


Ps.  The blog surpassed 2000 hits this morning!  Thanks mom.

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