Thursday, September 8, 2011


It's interesting to me how things manifest themselves in clusters.  On three occasions today the word leverage came up in unrelated conversations.  When that happens, as I've been told, there's a lesson to be learned.  

Leverage is one of those ambidextrous words that's both a noun and a verb.  One can have leverage, and one can leverage.  It means to employ a device to gain some sort of advantage.  As depicted above, one can use a lever that pivots about a point to help move a heavy object with considerably less force.  In other words, it's a principle one can employ to get something unstuck.

Digression alert:  Stuck is another good word.  Babies are the master of maximizing the few words they know.  A friend's daughter, when learning to speak taught me this.  If she wants out of the car, "stuck".  If she can't yet get her own feet out of her shoes, "stuck".  Having a hard time on the toilet?  Stuck again.

Many of us feel stuck in some way, and often it's our beliefs that are keeping us there.  We tell ourselves things like "I'm too old" or "I can't do ______ because I'm not ______ enough."  Just fill it in with whatever your dysfunctional tendencies tell you.  Regardless, the best way to leverage yourself unstuck is to spend some time reflecting on all the pain and loss that belief has caused in the past, is causing you today, and how miserable your life will be in the future if you keep holding onto that belief.  THEN you get to replace that belief with one one that is empowering.  

Personally, one of beliefs I held that was limiting me was that if something I'm creating isn't perfect, then it's not worth presenting to the world.  This belief was keeping me from progressing in different areas of my life.  A friend of mine who works in production also shared perfectionistic tendencies.  He recently told me three words that changed all that: Just ship it.  Or in the case of a blog post, just hit publish.



Thursday, September 1, 2011

Benthams Moving to Victoria!

Jude, Chelsi, and Bryn at Kits Beach
The time has come for the Bentham's to come home.  Today marks the two month countdown to our move to Victoria, BC.

Born in Victoria, I spent much of my childhood there and completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Victoria.  From there I moved to Toronto, New York, London, Seattle, and most recently Vancouver.  These all-world cities provided me with some great experiences but alas, they just weren't home.

Neil looking sharp

I'll be practicing at Vital Victoria Naturopathic Clinic with renowned Naturopath Dr. Neil. McKinney.  Neil has 26 years of experience in medicine and is an accomplished author, lecturer, teacher, and overall great guy.  He's best known for his work in the cancer field, but he's by no means a one trick pony.  Look for him on the cover of the upcoming October edition of Integrative Health Practitioners Magazine.  

I'm available to patients from November 3rd.  If you've been thinking of consulting a naturopath, I'm your man.  

Clinic Information:

phone: (250) 386 3534
toll free: 1 888 722 6401
fax: (250) 386 3500
#125 - 1555 McKenzie Ave
Victoria, BC
V8N 1A4

With excitement,
