Monday, January 24, 2011

How to Live Longer

I checked again this year and it turns out the death rate for humans is still 100%.  As a health care provider much of my time is spent trying to help people delay this inevitable reality.  With respect to nutrition I've studied biochemical pathways involved in inflammatory processes, antioxidant systems, vitamin and mineral co-factors required for synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters, and a bunch of other stuff that would make most people want to put a gun in their mouth and just end it.  If just ending it is what you're after, I'd recommend you stop reading here and maybe call a helpline.  If you want the exact opposite, read on.

Despite all our advances in the understanding of nutrition, there's really only one recommendation that has overwhelming evidence in favour of prolonging life.  Can you guess what it is?  Is it vitamin supplementing?  Nope.  Antioxidants?  No again.  It turns out that calorie restriction has been shown in (as far as I'm aware) every animal in which it's been studied, to prolong life.  That's not to say there isn't a time and place for vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutritional interventions, but if you want bang for your buck, instead of spending that buck on a cheeseburger, donate it to charity and just fast every once in a while.  The caveat here is you want to ensure adequate nutrition, but without all the extra calories.  

If you're interested in learning how to safely reduce caloric intake while ensuring adequate nutritional density, consult with your trusted health professional.  If the idea of restricting calories sounds worse than death itself, then eat away.

Keep it natural,


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